Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting started.....

A lot of my "musings" are done while cooking, vacuuming, driving or trying to tune out the Disney channel.  Sometimes, they impress even me!  Sometimes, they are confusing and scattered, at best.  At any rate, they are mine and they reflect what's on my mind and in my heart at a given time.

It takes a measure of vulnerability to share with potentially many people, the thoughts, ideas and opinions that reside in my brain.  I mean, who cares, really, what an almost 40 year old mother with gray roots thinks about life?  What can I possibly offer that might encourage, edify or help even a few people?

Well, for starters, maybe another woman out here will feel a bit less lonely, knowing there is someone else who struggles with womanhood, understanding the Bible, and her weight.  Maybe someone out there has questions about God and a bit of practical insight from someone who has walked with Him for 24 years would help a little.  Maybe this is just a good way for me to journal and leave my children something of myself for them to read one day.

Whatever the case, if I can encourage one, if I can cheer up one, if I can even provide answers for one, than this becomes more than a pastime for me, but a ministry....a calling, even.

Welcome aboard!  

1 comment:

  1. So thankful you're back up and running! Love you and your precious family!
