Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One of a kind

It's amazing how unique each person is, from the way he or she looks, to the way he stands, laughs and sleeps to the way she thinks, sits and writes.  Our uniqueness is beyond human understanding.  My fingerprints are unlike any of the other billions of people in this world.  My perspective, speech and love language are only mine.  God truly puts love and thought into each of His creations and not only into us humans, but as we know and marvel at, into the tiny snowflakes and hummingbirds too!

Each one of my children is so very different from the other.  We have had our turn with the flu epidemic and it's funny to watch how each handles sickness and discomfort differently.  I won't embarrass them by naming which does what, but I have the one who whines, cries and doesn't want to eat anything because everything tastes "different".  I have the one who is tough, follows instructions for getting well and turns sweet and docile when sick.  Then there's the one who gets angry at the sickness and so frustrated that it takes so long to go away.  The thing that is consistent, though, is that they each need and want their mom!

Handling illness is kind of a silly example of the uniqueness of my children, but just as they handle discomfort so completely differently, they also handle love, discipline, learning and heartache differently.  It is my job as a parent to be an expert on each one of them, to learn their ways, how they think and how they feel about things.  It is not easy.  Just when I think I've got them each figured out, they do something completely outside of the norm, contradicting what I was sure was their "way".

I'm so glad my God knows me inside and out, intimately and thoroughly, from the number of hairs on my head to the depth of my dreams and feelings.  He made me, after all.  He gave me my personality, my nose, and my heart.  I often get frustrated with my children.  Can't they all just be the same so life would be simpler for me?  Why can't they each just open wide the mouth and happily take the spoonful of medicine?  No, one has to hold his nose and gag it down.  One prefers pills.  One thinks medicine is candy and would overdose if I didn't pay attention.  Thankfully, God doesn't get frustrated with His children.  He revels in our uniqueness and loves me just how He made me.   What a wonderful thought.

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